About Urdu Source

Welcome to Urdusource, where we build the future of Urdu computing. At Urdusource, we believe that community and the freedom to tinker are essential to drive great innovation. So if you want to help build the future of Urdu computing, feel free to join us! Take a look at our code, find bugs, contribute patches and even start your own indepentent forks. Building the future is no easy job. So we’ll be needing a lot of help. Urdusource runs a number of Free and Open Source projects with the goal of enhancing the experience of Urdu computing. In our free software directory, you can take a look at, download and – if you want – contribute to the software that we...

Urdu Social Media Summit 2015

Do you know that Urdu is the 4th most common spoken language of the World? Yes, this is the Language of the Indo-Pak Sub Continent and this language is the resultant of the cultural resilience, tolerance, cohesiveness and humility of the South Asians! To celebrate, acknowledge and promote this grand language, Urdusource is going to organize first ever International Urdu Social Media Summit! #UrduSMS is designed to shatter the myths and dogmas associated with this language! This language is based around the idea of socializing and communication. Urdu is the language of the royalty, bureaucracy and common person simultaneously. And that is where its power and versatility comes in. Not only is it the language of choice in the more traditional communication media, but its utility extends to the cyberspace as well. And it’s making its impact! Join us if you want to know Urdu is transforming online social spaces and serving as a powerful glue that connects and binds all the different elements in our society together into a much greater community. Meet journalists, TV anchors, bloggers, social media activists, critiques, novelists, storywriters and researchers from across the globe in this one of a kind summit and engage in dialogues, study circles, trainings, keynote speeches on how Urdu is fostering change locally and...

Azad Urdu Installer

Most PC operating systems today provide support for almost all languages, but still people from our part of the world are reluctant to write and read in their own native languages as they think of it as a difficult task. Although a number of volunteers have developed quite a bunch of useful software packages to make it easier and keep providing updates as they find free time in their busy lives. Still, there are times when problems exist in those packages. In such times, a new volunteer may come along and try to solve that problem, only to be greeted by a number of hurdles, one of them being the need to start over from scratch. Isaac Newton once said, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” But our new volunteer often does not have any shoulders to stand on. The software packages that already exist, though are free of cost, donot aid anyone to use them as a foundation for something grander. To solve this problem, we are starting this project at Urdusource under which Free and Open Source Software will be developed that make it easier to add language support to different operating systems and which you can use as a foundation for a new and exciting project. So that you no longer have to worry about solving the basic problems and can focus on solving problems that we haven’t yet thought about, and explore the worlds that our imagination hasn’t reached yet. So here we lay that foundation. The rest is upto you and your...

Urdu Feeds

Keep in touch with Urdu blogosphere from your smart phones. Read latest blog posts from hundreds of Urdu bloggers, best post of the week, blog awards, related events and much more. Key Features: • Automatically get notifications of new posts, events and news. • Customize your experience with different layouts, fonts and themes. • Bookmark your favorite posts. • Keep track of unread posts. • Save battery while reading with the optional conservative theme. • Customize your synchronization settings to save bandwidth while on mobile data (GPRS)...