Do you know that Urdu is the 4th most common spoken language of the World? Yes, this is the Language of the Indo-Pak Sub Continent and this language is the resultant of the cultural resilience, tolerance, cohesiveness and humility of the South Asians!

To celebrate, acknowledge and promote this grand language, Urdusource is going to organize first ever International Urdu Social Media Summit!

#UrduSMS is designed to shatter the myths and dogmas associated with this language! This language is based around the idea of socializing and communication. Urdu is the language of the royalty, bureaucracy and common person simultaneously. And that is where its power and versatility comes in. Not only is it the language of choice in the more traditional communication media, but its utility extends to the cyberspace as well. And it’s making its impact!

Join us if you want to know Urdu is transforming online social spaces and serving as a powerful glue that connects and binds all the different elements in our society together into a much greater community.

Meet journalists, TV anchors, bloggers, social media activists, critiques, novelists, storywriters and researchers from across the globe in this one of a kind summit and engage in dialogues, study circles, trainings, keynote speeches on how Urdu is fostering change locally and globally.